Retired After 23 Years of Service
On a late autumn day at Fairchild Base, Tim Seibel’s Army comrades gathered in his honor to wish him well, and to celebrate an impressive 23-year military career. It was the last day Seibel would wear an Army uniform.
Seibel joined the Army after completing his Associates degree, as a way
to cover student loans. His years of military duty took him to Germany,
followed by Bosnia, the Caribbean, and Iraq. “I’ve been all
over the world, and met people from all walks of life – having opportunities
I’d never have had otherwise,” Seibel said.
Initially trained in Air Defense Artillery, Seibel rose to the level of platoon sergeant. The Army then trained Seibel to be a radiology technician, which opened the door to his civilian career in healthcare.
When he left active duty and returned to Washington, Seibel began working for CBHA. He currently serves as the Director of Ancillary Services, overseeing pharmacy and collaborating with optometry services.
“The certificate I earned for radiology is the same certificate that other people pay to earn – but I didn’t pay for it,” Seibel says. “In fact, I was paid while I trained to get it. And that, to me, is one of the greatest advantages of the military experience. My time has been well-invested and returned.”
When asked what he’ll do with his newfound time, Seibel didn’t
hesitate. “I haven’t had a legitimate
vacation in ten years. All my PTO from CBHA has been spent on my Reserves
duties. I’m looking forward to a Staycation! That sounds good! I’ve
travelled all over. I think for once I’d like to just stay home
and relax.”
Enjoy your Staycation, Tim Seibel. You’ve certainly earned it. Thank you for your service.