A Hardy Bunch!
A little rain and wind were not enough to keep our amazing patients, families and friends away from our second annual Color Run and we couldn’t be more pleased.
It’s true. Saturday Sept. 28th did not turn out to be the sunny, warm, pleasantly picturesque day everyone was hoping for. Instead, it was rainy, cold and extremely windy. CBHA Operations Analyst and Color Run Coordinator Courtney Martinez recalls, “My first reaction was ‘Oh no, will anyone come?’ The answer was ‘Yes!’ as hundreds of people began arriving. It was so exciting and ended up being lots of fun!”
In fact, more than 480 people came to the Color Run 2019. The wind and
rain may have kept some people home, but the event still achieved its
goals of raising awareness for Childhood Wellness, and bringing the community together.
Those who came: Runners and walkers of all ages, parents pushing children in wagons and strollers, Color Run sponsors and volunteers. Participants were splashed with paint along the 5k course for a memorable – and messy – experience.
One couple showed up with nine of their ten grandchildren. “We all had such a good time last year, the kids insisted we do it again,” the grandmother shared.
An event like the Color Run involves a lot of coordination, a lot of fundraising, and a lot of planning. In fact, the 2018 Color Run was barely over when CBHA employees started getting fundraising e-mails from Martinez for the 2019 Run. Several “Jeans Day” events were held. Buying the jeans-opportunity with proceeds going to the Color Run, many CBHA staff members earned the right to wear jeans to work. Employees loved it and lined up to pay. Then there were the Zumba classes where participants danced and exercised to the beat – a fairly fast, loud beat -- that had participants on their feet and dancing.
The rummage sale was next. Employees hauled off old office equipment (under the watchful eye of Curt Andrews, Facility Director) to be sold to help raise money. CBHA staff baked cookies, sold St. Patrick’s Day treats, Easter goodies, and bought flowers for the mom's in their lives at the Mother's Day fundraiser.
Conveniently, employees could donate extra money when they bought food or beverages at the CBHA café. Many did, happy to add to the fun, and to the cause. “We have a great staff at CBHA! We can always count on them,” Martinez said.
Yes, all in good fun and all for a very serious cause…that of raising awareness of and combating childhood obesity. “Our goal is to increase awareness of childhood obesity along with supporting families who deal with this every day, and improve education on maintaining wellness for all children in our area,” Martinez said. “Our CBHA Run for a Cause 5K Color Run is an opportunity to bring the people of the community together to enjoy good, wholesome fun with race and post-race lawn activities and food for the entire family.”
Martinez is very grateful to the vendors and sponsors and CBHA staff who helped make the Color Run a reality. “It takes a lot of resources, vendors, and sponsors to put an event of this magnitude together,” she said. “I deeply appreciate everyone who helped. Thank you so very much. Thanks, especially to the 484 men, women, and children who participated in the run.”