Tap into Total Support for Total You
We care about all your numbers, not just those that appear on the scale or the blood pressure cuff. The whole picture of your health is what matters to us...
• What’s your stress level on a scale of one to ten?
• Who are the support people you have in your life – people you could call in an emergency? Are there at least two?
• How many hours a week do you have to devote to self-care, whether that’s reading a book, walking around the block a few times, or taking a hot bath?
• How many hours a night do you sleep on average?

All of these factors – emotional, mental, social, and physical – contribute to the overall picture of your health. The TotalYou.
For example, if you live a busy, stressful life in which you have little time to relax, not enough time to sleep or to prepare balanced meals, these factors can be reflected in your blood pressure, your weight, your activity level, and even your heart health – all of which contribute to how much energy you have and how you feel on a day-to-day basis.
Following are some of the ways we are here to support you on your road to better health:
Lifestyle Coaching
Whether you’re facing difficult, life-changing decisions or could simply use a sounding board for family or career issues, CBHA can help. We have trained behavioral health specialists who guide patients through challenging periods, with the goal being a calmer, more centered, more focused and healthier you.
Nutrition Education
A general understanding of basic nutrition provides a firm foundation for optimal health. Conditions like pre-diabetes and diabetes make nutritional choices especially important. Our registered dietitians have extensively studied nutrition and how the body responds to different foods. They help develop individual, personalized plans for each patient, as no two are exactly alike.
Relationship Support
Often when we are over-scheduled or under a lot of stress, we let our relationships fall by the wayside. But studies show that having mutually supportive relationships in our lives contributes significantly to a greater sense of our wellbeing. If you are struggling, our Behavioral Health specialists can help you address the issues and get you back on track.
Stress Management
In addition to lifestyle coaching, CBHA offers helpful classes that can help reduce and manage stress levels, like yoga and Zumba. We also have events during which our Behavioral Health team teaches attendees about important stress management and coping techniques.
As you can see, TotalYou isn’t just about weight management. It’s
about addressing the factors in your life that contribute to the areas
you’d like to improve. Why aren’t you getting enough sleep?
What makes you want to reach for that cigarette? How might you improve
your diet or get more exercise? Who can help you manage your child’s
struggles at school?
Recognizing and addressing the reasons you’ve come to the place you are, and meeting you where you are now, is what our TotalYou program is all about.
Call CBHA today to get started with TotalYou 509.488.5256