CBHA School Coverage Announcement
To our public school employee friends with SEBB coverage effective January 1, 2020.
Columbia Basin Health Association has been proud to be the leading provider of health services for residents of Othello and surrounding region. This includes the dedicated teachers and classified staff who serve the children of our community.
You should know by now that your benefit selection process is changing this year, moving to one statewide menu of choices, not individual school district plans as you’ve had in the past. As you may be aware the coverage is changing to a calendar year schedule (open enrollment occurs from October 1st thru November 15th), with the new coverage taking effect on January 1, 2020. Additionally, as you make your benefits choices for the coming year, there are some key provisions of your health insurance options that we would like to make sure you fully understand. You have plans from 2 organizations to choose from. We are pleased to announce that CBHA is an in-network provider in 2 of the SEBB Medical plans:
- Uniform, Medical Plan (UMP) administered by Regence Blue Shield
- Premera Blue Cross
Both of the above SEBB plans offer multiple plan options that you can evaluate and make the best choice for you and your family.
**********Please note that CBHA is not contracted with Kaiser Permanente **********
For Dental coverage CBHA is an in-network provider for only 1 plan at this time.
- Uniform Dental Plan PPO through Delta Dental of Washington
CBHA is not contracted with Willamette Dental (this is a closed network). Also at this time CBHA is not contracted with DeltaCare. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We want to make sure you have the latest and most accurate information as you make these important choices for you and your family. For more information contact:
Health Care Authority SEBB informationhttps://www.hca.wa.gov/employee-retiree-benefits/school-employees
- Uniform Medical https://ump.regence.com/sebb or 1-800-628-3481
- Premera Blue Cross https://sebb.premera.com/home or 1-800-842-5357
Thank you for your service to our children. CBHA looks forward to caring for you and your family.