CBHA Donates 2019 Color Run Funds To Othello Parks and Rec
We’re wrapping up our 2019 Color Run: Run for a Cause event by donating the proceeds to the Parks and Recs Departments in Othello, Mattawa and Connell. Each department has received equal amounts of a $15,000 donation. “We really wanted to give all our proceeds back to the community in a way that promotes childhood wellness. We came up with the idea of giving it to the Parks and Recs Department with hopes that they could use it to create physical opportunities for the kids in the community,” said our CEO, Nieves Gomez.
On Tuesday, June 16th, we presented a $5,000 check to the Parks and Recs Department of Othello. Othello’s Mayor, Shawn Logan, and Parks and Recs Coordinator, Randy Gomez, were on the receiving end of our donation. “We’re excited to be giving this to the cities that our clinics are involved in, and we can’t wait to see how they put them towards the community,” said Nieves.
Randy Gomez had previous plans to invest into the community parks. “We’ve been working on bringing in new attractions to our Lions Park, and with CBHA’s donation we can invest it back into the parks for the kids in the community to have an awesome place where they can be active and play,” said Gomez. Including other grants, our donation will help build a basketball zone, consisting of four new and improved basketball courts. Gomez hopes that this will give the Department a chance to start a basketball league in the future for kids and adults.
Along with the new basketball courts, Gomez also plans to bring in a whole
new playground area. “Our community is active during the spring,
summer and fall. We want to create a space where parents would be able
to get out of the house and enjoy the park, while they let their kid’s
burn some energy on a newly built play ground.”
The Parks and Recs Department recognizes how passionate we are about providing projects that will promote healthy and physical activities for children, and they ensure that our donation will be used in that way. “This project will help promote childhood wellness by drawing kids out of their homes and into the park to get active, learn new skills on the court or run around the new playground,” says Gomez. Even though they already have our donation, they have to be patient with the process of receiving grants in order to be able to complete the whole project. Gomez estimates that they will begin at the start of 2022 and be done by the fall of that same year.
“This community, along with CBHA, have always been strong supporters in what we try to achieve and bring to Othello,” says Gomez “We are truly grateful for all that our community does.” We, here at CBHA, are very excited to see all the plans that the Parks and Recs Department will accomplish. We hope to continue collaborating with them in the near future.
For more info and to get registered, visit www.cbharunforacause.com.