The Joys and Challenges of Breastfeeding: Patient Success Story

Late nights, back pain, leaking milk, and unsuccessful latching are all struggles that moms can relate to when starting their breastfeeding journey. But building a strong emotional bond with your baby and giving them the best nutrients to help fight diseases makes it all worth it.

Breastfeeding can be a difficult and emotional journey for a mom, but there are also so many joys and rewards that come with it! Breastfeeding offers numerous health benefits and fosters a special bond between mom and baby. For many, like Fabiola Alegria, the journey of breastfeeding is filled with both joy and challenges.

Fabiola has four girls and has had different experiences with each one. She has been breastfeeding her youngest for two months. “I love the bonding that breastfeeding gives me with my baby,” says Fabiola. However, she has also faced challenges like latching issues, milk production, and the struggle to balance breastfeeding while caring for her other children. “It can be really hard, but once my baby latches on, I’m able to cherish those moments with her.”

Having a support system while breastfeeding is also crucial. “My WIC Breastfeeding Counselor at CBHA, Sara, always reminds me that even if I’m only giving her an ounce of my breastmilk and supplementing the rest with formula, it's still good. Baby is getting the nutrients that she needs,” says Fabiola.

Sara's encouragement and reassurance helped Fabiola navigate her concerns, particularly when faced with the pressure to increase milk production or supplement with formula. “During my visits with Fabiola, I always wanted to reassure her that she was doing amazing. It’s my job to guide moms through this journey and help them feel supported,” says Sara Santoyo.

Sara has been with Fabiola for three of her four girls, and she’s so happy to be part of the journey with the fourth girl. “I’m so grateful for Sara! She’s been with me in every journey, showing up to my hospital room as soon as the baby is born to help me start my breastfeeding journey,” says Fabiola. Sara also made visits, even after baby was home, to answer questions and concerns and guide Fabiola in any way she needed help.

It's crucial to have a support system at home that recognizes how important breastfeeding is. Fabiola’s husband and mom are great examples of this, always helping her with the girls, housework, or any other tasks she needed help with so she can focus on breastfeeding.

If you’re a new mom facing some of these challenges or need encouragement to go through this journey for a second or third time, Fabiola has some advice for you! “Push yourself to get through the first 2 weeks. I promise it gets easier after that! And embrace the journey, no matter how imperfect it may be. Remember the nutrients you’re giving your baby and how fulfilling and rewarding it is in the end!”