Celebrate Men's Health Week

Men! Take charge of your health and wellness today! Now is the perfect time for every man in our community to re-evaluate and plan for a healthier future with family.

Your medical provider is your partner in your healthcare journey! “We’re here to help you take the steps you need to improve the quality and length of your life. That includes getting an annual check-up, eating nutritious foods, talking about your mental health, and more,” says Luis Alcalde, PA-C.

Happy teeth, happy lives! Your oral health is more important than you realize. “Brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly can protect you from more than just cavities,” says Dr. Ji Choi, Dentist. “Studies show that oral bacteria and inflammation associated with a severe form of gum disease, called periodontitis, can play a role in other health concerns.” Make sure you’re attending your yearly dental visits, even if you don’t have any pain.

Visiting your optometrist brings you clarity! Keep an eye on your vision health by attending regular eye exams, using eye protection like goggles, sunglasses, and hats, and eating plenty of vitamin C-rich foods. “If you’re constantly looking at screens, give your eyes regular breaks to minimize eye strain. If there’s ever something wrong or unusual about your vision, don’t just tough it out because eye problems don’t usually go away on their own,” says Dr. Jason Bleazard, Optometrist.

Your mental health counselor is here to guide you toward emotional wellness. “When you walk into our space, we want you to know that you are not alone. We are here to listen and help you through whatever it is you’re struggling with,” says Andres Lima, Behavioral Health Counselor. It’s important to remember that we need to take care of ourselves, so we can effectively care for others.

Let’s stop making excuses and ignoring our physical and mental health.

If you can’t remember the last time you saw your provider, now is the time to schedule your next appointment.

Schedule HERE or call/text 509.488.5256