Firestarter Spotlight - Sophia Rodriguez

Sophia Rodriguez, Family Planning Coordinator, is so deserving of her Firestarter award!

Sophia does an outstanding job in her role coordinating all things Title X, including continuous training for staff on proper CVR completion, contraceptive counseling, and pregnancy test documentation, visiting all clinics, and making herself available for questions or concerns. Since she works out of the Family Services department, she also assists with patient walk-in requests and provides a consistently high level of compassion and customer service.

Sophia has great leadership potential! She has organized events, presented to large groups, recently joined the Environment of Care committee as co-chair, and is always a welcoming resource for new employees in Family Services. Sophia is always interested in learning new things and recently began her journey to receive her MBA!

Sophia fully adheres to the CBHA WE CARE standards and sets an example for others, always presenting herself professionally and assisting with projects wherever she can. She is also very kind, often organizing birthday or farewell potlucks for the team or offering advice on a more complex walk-in request. We are so lucky to have her on our team!

Learn more about Sophia:

When did you start at CBHA?

I started working at CBHA on July 6th, 2021.

What is your job title and day-to-day responsibilities?

As the Family Planning Coordinator, my current day-to-day responsibilities include submitting monthly and annual reports to the Department of Health, ensuring proper processes and documentation for Title X, assisting with family planning counseling and linkage to resources, working with various departments at CBHA to ensure processes are followed, facilitating and planning outreach events to raise awareness of our family planning program at CBHA, and coaching medical and health education staff on Title X documentation requirements.

What is your favorite thing about working at CBHA?

My favorite thing about working at CBHA is its involvement with the community and helping the migrant population. It’s rewarding to be able to provide families with resources to potentially break down the barriers they face in getting access to care and having their basic needs met.

How has CBHA helped you grow in your career?

CBHA was my first job after graduating college with my undergraduate degree, and I have been given the opportunity to put my education in Healthcare Administration into action in my current role. It has helped me expand in my experience working with various agencies in our network and ensuring the Title X program runs smoothly. I look forward to seeing how else I can grow in my career here at CBHA.

What has been your favorite project at work so far?

My favorite project at work would have to be the annual Teen Health Fairs I have planned for the teenagers in the communities we serve. These events help raise awareness and provide information on the resources available to them regarding overall teenage health and well-being.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Telekinesis would be pretty neat. I would be able to move objects with my mind.

How do you turn a bad day into a good one?

I give myself a moment to recognize all the good that outweighs the bad in the day and try to keep a positive mindset to keep moving forward.

What did you dream of becoming when you were a kid?

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a nurse.

Where is your favorite place to travel?

I don’t have a specific favorite place, but anywhere I can catch a beautiful sunrise/sunset!

If you could be any Disney Character which one would you be?

I would be Mirabel from Encanto, as her empathy is admirable.

Anyone you would like to thank or final words?

A huge thank you to whoever nominated me for the Firestarter Award. I appreciate the recognition and that individual taking the time to acknowledge my work. A special thanks to my supervisor, Shannon Walker, Vice President of Health Equity, who has always and continues to provide support and guidance for me in my role as Family Planning Coordinator. Thank you to all of my coworkers who make working here at CBHA that much more amazing!